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Spotlight on Francisco: Software Engineer

I would encourage people to immerse themselves in topics that have a real impact on our world.

Meet Francisco, our software engineer who specializes as a full-stack developer, designing and implementing backend systems and user interfaces for the water industry. Francisco values the company's culture of autonomy and continuous learning, and he advises aspiring engineers to focus on impactful work and continuous improvement.

“I work as a software engineer, more specifically as a full-stack developer. My role focuses on designing and implementing all types of backend systems and user interfaces. I enjoy the wide range of topics that I get to work on and the end-to-end responsibilities this brings. I'm part of a cross-functional team focused on solutions for the water industry, where our product has been very successful. I collaborate daily with data scientists, machine learning engineers, and domain experts to enhance our algorithms' detection performance and improve how customers receive our alerts."

"I'm currently developing a tool that simplifies the way we analyze and label data for training our machine-learning models. This tool is important for our data scientists and domain experts, enabling them to generate high-quality labeled datasets with little effort. This involves a deep dive into the current models' performance and analysis of different data sources and contextual information. Creating better-labeled datasets is essential to enhance our models' accuracy and improve the alerts we send out to our users."

"I joined Samotics mostly driven by my passion for impactful technologies for industrial applications. The idea of contributing to a technology that revolutionizes traditional industries in a leading company such as Samotics is truly thrilling. After joining Samotics, I found I deeply aligned with the cultural values that promote autonomy and embrace failure as a learning opportunity. And I'm also really happy to work and collaborate with extremely talented and inspiring people."

"Since joining the company, I've learned much about cloud architecture and system design best practices. Being responsible for developing and maintaining scalable solutions makes you realize the importance of good design decisions. Equally important has been learning to keep a short feedback cycle with customers. We're a fast-growing company and it's easy to lose focus on the features that can bring the most value. Working on small improvements and continuously seeking feedback is essential to make the most out of our development efforts."

"I'm really passionate about industrial processes and automation. I have a deep respect for the work of plant managers, engineers, and operators. The opportunity to help them in their daily work with high-quality software solutions is exciting and deeply fulfilling. Software is making a huge impact in industrial manufacturing, and there is a large community that shares this enthusiasm. I really like being part of it, learning, sharing, and contributing to my role as a software engineer."

"I would encourage people to immerse themselves in topics that have a real impact on our world. In the rapidly evolving landscape of technology, it's easy to get distracted by the latest trends. Keeping a focus on areas that genuinely improve our lives is both humbling and rewarding. Additionally, learning from mistakes and making small, daily improvements can really add up to a big difference."