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Spotlight on Marcial:

Lead Electrical Signature Analysis Specialist

´Always be curious and keep on asking questions, challenge yourself and others, being eager to learn will lead you to the right places where you will enjoy your profession and you will grow both professionally and personally.´

´I am currently working as a Team lead for the Electrical Signature Analysis (ESA) specialists team. We’re responsible for improving our product’s quality, both by ensuring actionable insights for our customers when they need to perform a maintenance action in their industries, and also by performing research and development to create new features for our product that will (in the long term) make our customers more happy. As a team lead, I discuss, prioritize and organize the tasks being done by our group of specialists, but I also perform some work of my own. My daily work is heavily related to programming signal processing techniques, brainstorming with different teams about “how can we do things better” to improve our product, and ensuring that our team provides the most valuable support when detecting a failure at our customer’s assets. Research and learning new things is also a daily work for me and all the team, because we need to be updated with all the knowledge and new technologies in our field as we develop cutting-edge technology ourselves.´

´There are two exciting things I can mention. On the one hand, we're developing a whole new feature to detect both installation issues and asset’s failures right after we start monitoring (capturing current and voltage from a customer’s motor). Most of our product is data-driven, so we will monitor the behavior of the asset over time, but ensuring a good baseline is a crucial part of that. With this feature, we will be able to make our work better, but also provide value to our customers from the get-go. On the other hand, we’re developing a big simulation environment that models both our customer’s asset and our own data analytics pipeline. The latter will allow us to test our own developments much faster, ensuring the keep on improving both in quality and in having a faster response to changes that we could want to implement.´

´Before I joined the company, almost two years ago, I chose Samotics mainly because of the product they developed. Working in the development/improvement of an AI-based system that is able to detect incipient failures of electrical machines running in industry caught my attention right away. I was hired from Argentina, where I did both my engineering degree and PhD, and researched specifically on the topic of electrical machine failures and how to detect them, so I was very enthusiastic about joining the company and starting to deal with real-world (outside of the lab) scenarios. It was a big challenge for me, and still is. That remains to be one of the main reasons why I keep on choosing Samotics as a place to work. Also, it’s a very promising company, almost double the number of people since I joined, it has a very multicultural environment where I feel included, and I really enjoy working with smart and very kind people.´

´The biggest learning I had was about the importance of a big team effort, and that it always includes many areas of a company. Being open for feedback and iterating on the work done based on that input allowed me not only to improve my own work a lot, but also to contribute to others' work and then accomplish big progresses all together.´

´I am very passionate about science and technology. That environment has surrounded me when growing up and ever since I was child I have always sought to learn about the topic. I’m also a big fan of traveling, but apart from enjoying nice landscapes, meeting new people and cultures, I really enjoy visiting museums, mainly those related to the progress of technology over time. I went many times to the Louwman museum of cars in The Hague, also the Nemo museum in Amsterdam, and many others alike in other cities and countries. I also love playing musical instruments. I'm not the most skilled musician, but music is an important part of my life and I always save some time for it in my free time.´

´The biggest advice I could give to someone entering the world of engineering and technology would always be to keep yourself updated. Always be curious and keep on asking questions, challenge yourself and others, being eager to learn will lead you to the right places where you will enjoy your profession and you will grow both professionally and personally.´