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Spotlight on Tom:

Product Owner

´Being open for feedback and iterating on the work done based on that input allowed me not only to improve my own work a lot, but also to contribute to others' work and then accomplish big progresses all together´

´The onboarding team guides our customers through the installation phase and provides training and support where needed. In my role, I help to troubleshoot technical installation questions or issues that arise. I also work on further improving the tooling the team uses to provide a quicker and easier onboarding experience. ´

´Together with the development teams, we’re making great improvements to the scalability of the onboarding process. I help to identify the best areas for improvement and come up with ideas on how we can do it. Together we then work to find the best solution. It’s fun to create these ideas together and see them come to life. ´

´I wanted to work for a smaller and fast-growing company because of the flexibility that is still in place, and to see my work have a noticeable impact on the product and customer experience.  Samotics interested me because of the product they provide. I also very much enjoy the culture and the people who work here. ´

´The biggest learning I had was about the importance of a big team effort, and that it always includes many areas of a company. Being open for feedback and iterating on the work done based on that input allowed me not only to improve my own work a lot, but also to contribute to others' work and then accomplish big progresses all together.´

´My biggest learning since I started working here is how to manage a project from start to end. When many people are involved or there are dependencies to keep in mind, it’s important to communicate clearly to avoid any unexpected issues.  Since I started here people have shared a lot of their knowledge and guided me through these processes. This has been a very enjoyable process, during which I have also learned a lot. ´

´Outside of work, I enjoy spending time with friends while playing board games. I also occasionally like to go bouldering. I find this sport a great combination of exercise and puzzle-solving. I was excited to find out that for both of these hobbies, people at Samotics had already set up groups to meet up once in a while, and everyone was free to join whenever they wanted.´

´Starting in a small company allowed me to see up close what all the different departments were working on. Because of this, it’s now easy to learn about other subjects or to join a project in a field that I am interested in. This has given me insight about what work I enjoy the most, and made it easy to shift to a different role that works better for me. So my advice would be to start in a small company if you want to experience different types of work and develop a broad skill set in a short time.´